Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Colombia world's champion in line skating

Practicing sports in Colombia is very difficult itself. There are no private or public effective support for sports in Colombia. In schools there are no adecuate facilities in public schools. If I remember it so well even there are no adecuate washrooms in most of public schools in Colombia....you know they only used the taxes money for fighting against people want to change things. Anyway, there are a fever for inline rolling-skate in my country. All the sundays morning they close main streets in the country in order to go skating and bycicling. It could be thought like if in Calgary you closed the deerfoot Anderson, crowchild, Macleod or whatever trails you choose just for people going skating jogging or bycicling. Kind of crazy thing but it is. After years doing that in main capitals Colombia turns into a very power country in rolle skating over the Us and Italy, Indeed Colombia have taken more medalls than any other country in speed inline skating than anyother country in the last five years. And the best, in ladies skating colombia is even better than in men skating. Those girls are incredibles. In Korea 2006 in the city of Anyang they won all the most important medalls.

It is very rare and almost imposible that a country in third world could be champion in some sport discipline but colombia in rolle skating is fortunately an exception because we are the world's champion in that discipline.

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