Saturday, November 10, 2007

A little translation of an article a friend of mine wrote

Dialoging is to organize the people to assume and to control the power that belong to them, and should be offer only to trustable persons who belong to new political streams, and do not have any commitment with Imperialism and privileged classes, who literally have stolen the richest resources of this country. We don’t believe in firearm fight against a regular army to reach the power. We have changed the paradigm. We have realized that this absurd never ending war is just a thin strategy to distract people and to ask for alms to the richest nations in the world. Despite of that, we don’t discard the use of force. There are a lot of guilty people here and they deserve to be punished.

Dialoguing is to deal the people to construct a national identity. To fight against the poverty that kills dozens of thousand of kids per year. To expropriate most of the larges land useless possessions. In spite of that we believe in private property. But we don’t want to permit that only three percent of people being owners 90% of the good lands. If we need to go to the fact ways, we certainly going to do that. A real agrarian reform Is being designed right now. We are all over the world, in voluntary exile sometimes, but most of the times for personal choice. In Colombia some of our partners have been killed or has been disappeared. Our president cries and claims to heaven and asks for the help of the god and Lord but he himself is co-funder of some of these “darks groups” that disappear and kill people.

Our governments have convinced all the countries of this world that our country itself is a democracy. They have convinced most of the world they are victims of an insane war. The people in this country is starving and don’t have social security in the third more taxation country in the Americas. Our governments have just played stupid political games but when they take power they don’t design policies or strategies for improve common wellness. The only one education they are interested in is their children education. They have to guarantee that their families going to keep on power. They not just are thieves, but they are assassins too. Is there any other manner to say it?
We ourselves are a group with different origins and conditions. We have a lot of different works in many countries. We are in expectation. We are dialoguing, we are organizing. Our futures enemies are very strong. Colombian oligarchy is very smart and capable of everything to keep in power. For the rest of the world they are decent, well educated persons with no particular interests, but just to serve their country. But we all know what is the awkward true about it. And how their twisted minds work like.

1 comment:

yapy said...

Wow! Hugo. It's very interesting, but it's very hard for me to read because a main idear is too high level. Anyway I could consider about it. Thanks.